Visitors & Parent Guidelines
We welcome families and volunteers, but to insure the safety of our children, we have instituted the following safeguards to protect our children. These guidelines are not meant to inconvenience parents; they are to ensure the safety of our children.
- All visitors to the building will be asked to provide identification.
- It is important to sign the registry book outside of the main office.
- All parents/visitors must sign in and wear a nametag on every school visit. The badge is to be worn on outer clothing where it may be easily seen and is to be returned to the office upon completion of visit.
- Sensitive issues will be handled at the discretion of the Principal.
- Please understand that if you are in the building without a pass and redirected to sign the registry, it is to ensure the safety of our children
- Parents should set a specific schedule with the teacher for participation and should be prepared to do specific tasks. Some training sessions, as appropriate for the activity, may be necessary.
- Parents should make every effort to make child care arrangements for younger siblings. Siblings in a classroom are a distraction for the volunteering parent and for the class. For the same reason, siblings may not accompany a chaperone on a field trip.
- For security reasons, parents may not have lunch in the cafeteria with their child’s class when volunteering in school.
- Visits in special subject classes are by appointment only.
- Any volunteers who are still in the building at 3:15 p.m. must report to the cafeteria and remain there to sign their child out if they plan to take their child home. (We do recommend that all children ride the bus every day, even if a parent is volunteering in school.) In any case, please do not return to the classroom until all buses have left the grounds.
- When volunteering at school, you may not go to another classroom (i.e. sibling) to talk with the child or teacher. This is disruptive to all.
Visits to a classroom during regular school hours must have an appointment or invitation to a special event.
Parent Teacher Organization
The Matthew Paterson Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (MPES PTO) is a non-profit entity comprised of parents and teachers of students enrolled at Matthew Paterson Elementary School. Parents become members automatically upon enrollment of their child. There are no dues or fees, and active participation is encouraged. The MPES PTO goal is to enhance the academic, social and environmental aspects of your child’s educational experience here at Matthew Paterson Elementary. We accomplish this through a variety of programs and services held throughout the school year. Our website is designed to keep families informed about the many wonderful aspects of the school experience. Our email-based updates provide important dates and details about various events and services, and we encourage parents to sign up for these via our website.
Committees comprised of parents and teachers, overseen by the MPES PTO executive board, manage many of the events and programs held throughout the year. Join a committee and put your talents and skills to work for the benefit of all of our children. Previously, the PTO has sponsored book fairs, teacher and parent workshops, assemblies, adult education, school pictures; The PTO is always open to your ideas and talents and encourages your involvement. All parents are encouraged to join us for our meetings. Through your support, the MPES PTO also provides funding for teacher grants, field trip expenses, technology upgrades, playground and recess equipment, publishing supplies, Field Day, yearbook gift for each fourth grader and more.
As parents of students of Matthew Paterson Elementary School, your MPES PTO knows the value of a quality education, and we’re proud to be a part of your child’s experience at MPES. We urge you to reach out with questions, concerns or ideas on how, together; we can make our school even better.
Email your MPES PTO president at or write to MPES PTO, 100 South St., Patterson, NY 12563. You can even contact us via your child’s backpack by enclosing your correspondence in an envelope clearly marked MPES PTO.
Site-Based Committee
Several years ago, the Commissioner of Education of New York State asked each school to set up a management team composed of administrators, teachers, school related personnel and parents. The purpose of this team was to review opportunities for student academic and social growth and to plan for school improvements that would have a positive impact on student achievement. To this end, the MPES Site-Based Committee has actively worked to make MPES the best possible school for every child. During the past few years we have worked on reporting practices to parents, guided the development of the new narrative report card for K-4 students, school security and safety, emergency evacuation plans and homework guidelines.
The Site-Based Committee welcomes your input on topics that relate to school excellence, but ask that you see your child’s teacher or Mr. Kirk to discuss any issues that specifically relate to your child.