Student Rights/Responsibilities

The Carmel Central School District Board of Education has adopted a Code of Conduct for the entire district that can be obtained at the main office.  The expectations for conduct are based on the principles of civility, citizenship, honesty, integrity and mutual respect. 

At Matthew Paterson Elementary School Our students are expected to exhibit a commitment to learning and to achieving success. We believe that every child has the right to learn without fear in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. Students are expected to behave in a manner that reflects respect for teachers, other adults and their fellow students. Although behavior expectations will vary with time, location, and situation, the following three general expectations will always apply:

  • Keep Your Hands, Feet, and Other Objects to Yourself
  • Be on Task
  • Show Respect

These three things will be expected at all times and will be instrumental in achieving MPES’s goals of safety and student learning.

Every student is expected to be responsible for his/her own behavior, to exercise self-discipline, and to refrain from behavior which interferes with other students’ right to learn or endangers the health or well-being of others. With respect to resolving conflicts, students are taught to use positive problem solving strategies We have guidelines for appropriate student behavior that reflect the school's philosophy of respect for self and others. These responsibilities apply not only to their academics, but also to their use and care of school facilities, equipment, textbooks and supplies, creating a climate that promotes challenging-learning opportunities and good citizenship. At MPES these concepts are translated into the rights and responsibilities as described below.


In the following areas of communication, bus behavior, playground behavior, and cafeteria behavior students are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviors at MPES as follows.



  • Utilizing a courteous vocabulary that includes saying please, thank you and excuse me.
  • Listening and thinking about what is being said and/or taught. Listening includes looking at the speaker.
  • Asking questions when instruction or directions are not understood.
  • Listening and following directions the first time they are given.
  • Using language and gestures that are appropriate
  • Learning to disagree in a controlled manner.
  • Adhering to all school rules and expectations when attending school sponsored extracurricular events.


  • Using profane, discriminatory and/or abusive language or gestures.
  • Committing an act of violence such as hitting, punching, kicking and scratching.
  • Threatening others with harm and/or with using a weapon.
  • Committing acts of destruction that may include using flammable objects or using objects that are not harmful in a destructive manner.
  • Being untruthful and lying, this includes making false statements about another person.

On the Bus


  • Walk to the bus in a single line and boarding in a safe and careful manner.
  • Move over to let another student sit down when space is available
  • Find an open seat and using the restraint buckle if one is available.
  • Place book bag on the floor.
  • Use a quiet, calm, indoor voice and speak only with those who are seated nearby.
  • Remain in seat for the entire bus ride to and from school.
  • Walk off the bus in an orderly manner.
  • Walk in front of the bus where the bus driver can see the student if one needs to cross the street.


  • Distracting the bus driver.
  • Running to and from the bus.
  • Pushing others and cutting the bus line.
  • Shouting, yelling, and using inappropriate or foul language.
  • Eating food, drinking and chewing gum.
  • Pushing others from a seat or demanding that they move to another seat.
  • Hitting others with one’s book bag or using the book bag in an obtrusive manner.
  • Fighting on the bus.
  • Playing with the widows, emergency levers or any safety equipment.
  • Hitting children with seat belts.
  • Throwing objects.
  • Tripping others.
  • Changing seats while the bus is in motion or being out of one’s seat.
  • Opening windows without permission.
  • Refusing to sit in a seat assigned by the driver.
  • Tampering with emergency equipment and exits.
  • Possessing weapons and/or dangerous objects.
  • Carrying or igniting flammable items such as matches or lighters.


  • Drivers will follow progressive discipline procedures, beginning with a verbal warning.
  • The bus driver will complete a bus incident conduct report form and forward it to the principal.
  • The principal or designee will speak with the student(s) involved.
  • A copy of the referral will be sent home to the parent/guardian and to the classroom teacher.
  • A third bus referral will result in a call home from the principal.
  • The range of disciplinary actions for bus conduct infractions may include:
  • Special seating.
  • Suspension from bus privileges.
  • Parent/guardian conference.
  • Replacing or repairing the item or providing school services for the bus damage will be determined by the principal and family.

On the Playground


  • Listening respectfully to the directions of the adults in charge.
  • Playing fairly during recess time.
  • Being courteous and acting safely with classmates.
  • Being a good sport.
  • Treating everyone the way one wants to be treated.
  • Helping others to enjoy themselves and inviting children to play.
  • Lining up quietly and walking to and from the playground.
  • Utilizing appropriate space boundaries.


  • Pushing, shoving, or placing your hands or feet on another person.
  • Throwing rocks, stones or objects or aiming any objects at another person.
  • Teasing, name calling, cursing, or using abusive language.
  • Fighting, kicking, hitting or using physical violence.
  • Speaking disrespectfully or not listening to adults in charge.
  • “Cutting” in games and during line up time.
  • Playing aggressively in a way that is harmful to yourself or others.


  • Verbal warning.
  • Alerting teachers to the infraction.
  • Parent phone call by the teacher.
  • Alert the principal.
  • Phone call to the family from the principal.
  • Unable to participate in recess
  • Suspension of recess privileges.
  • In-school suspension.
  • Out of school suspension.
  • Denial of the privilege to participate in activity where the infraction took place.

In the Cafeteria


 Lunch time is a time when courtesy and consideration become especially important.

  • Walk when entering the cafeteria and be seated in a calm manner.
  • Bring your lunch or lunch money with you when leaving the classroom.
  • Line up quietly when purchasing lunch or snack.
  • Remain in the cafeteria and do not leave your seat or the lunchroom without permission.
  • Use a calm “indoor voice” during for the entire time you are in the cafeteria.
  • Ask permission from a monitor to use the bathroom, or to leave the cafeteria for any purpose.
  • Wait for your teacher to pick you up from the cafeteria if you need to return to class.
  • Speak respectfully to the lunch monitors and all supervising adults.
  • Clean up after yourself. Pick up and properly dispose of all uneaten food, drink containers and wrappers.


There is no:

  • Running around in the cafeteria or hallway.
  • Cutting, pushing or shoving while on any lunch line.
  • Speaking loudly or yelling.
  • Throwing and/or squashing food and drink items.
  • Leaving food, napkins or wrapper on the table or food.
  • Sharing of food.
  • Borrowing or loaning of money.


 Progressive discipline procedures will be followed, however unsafe behavior such as hitting or threatening warrant immediate attention of the principal.

  • Reports may be filled out and given to the teacher who will discuss the situation with the student during a meeting or personal conference.
  • Denial of privileges such as sitting with their classmates or eating in the cafeteria.
  • Phone call home.
  • Lunch detention, recess detention, a cooling off time, in-school suspension, or out of school suspension.
  • Subsequent infractions may require a parent/guardian to pick the student up from school on the day of the infraction.
  • Students may be referred for in school support.